Arne Benoni har underholdt fans verden over og hatt stor listesuksess i USA. Siden debuten i 1982 har han gitt ut rundt 20 album – de fleste innspilt i Nashville, countrymusikkens høyborg. Totalt har disse albumene solgt rundt 400.000 eksemplarer i Norge.
“Lofotsheriffen” fra Norge har hatt hitlåter både på Billboard- og Cash-Box-listene i USA, og i mange andre land. Han har spilt på legendariske Grand Ole Opry og på amerikansk fjernsyn, turnert i Europa, opptrådt med verdensstjerner som Lynn Anderson og Dottie West, og blir regnet som en av de største tolkerne av Jim Reeves’ sanger
Her hjemme har Arne opptrådt i utallige TV og radio show, blant dem TV serier som Da Capo, Trygdekontoret og Kvitt eller Dobbelt.
Nå som før bør Arne Benoni oppleves live On stage, da opplever man med hvilken sjel og nerve han fremfører sin musikk!

One of Norway’s most popular and traveled country music singers, Arne Benoni, has entertained and continues to entertain his fans around the world. He has recorded and performed in Nashville, TN, including an appearance on the world-famous Grand Ole Opry. His smooth style is reminiscent of the late Jim Reeves and Arne is held in high esteem by Reeves’ fans. Arne has released 19 albums, most of them recorded in Nashville. His recordings have found chart success in music industry magazines, Billboard and Cash Box, and in international charts. Arne’s far-reaching success has resulted in appearances in numerous international markets. He appeared three times at London's prestigious Wembley Festival; made two appearances as a part of the Opry Spectacular concerts at the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway; and appeared three times at the Norsk Høst Fest, the largest Scandinavian Festival in the world which is held in Minot, ND. Arne has also been a hit on cruise ships making two European tours aboard the SS Norway and a tour of the Caribbean which was taped and shown nationwide several times by Norwegian Broadcasting. Arne was the only country act featured on the cruise.
In addition to performing on the Grand Ole Opry, Arne has appeared with Ralph Emery on his nationally televised program, Nashville Now, on The Nashville Network. He was a featured guest several times on the Ernest Tubb Midnight Jamboree.
Over the past years, Arne added Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark to his touring schedule. One Denmark newspaper wrote the headline that describes the love of fans for Arne - “Arne Benoni melted a lot of hearts during his Denmark Tour.”
Arne Benoni recorded a new 12-song album in Nashville and released a CD on Universal Music that is aptly titled I’m Coming Home. According to Benoni, this album will not only offer country music fans a great collection of songs but will give them a fresh, new sound and new approach to his music.
"It all starts with the song and I am proud to have written or co-written six of the songs."
BIO (English)
Arne Benoni was born in Northwestern Norway in Napp, a small fishing village in Flakstad municipality in Lofoten, in the Land of the Midnight Sun.
Arne came from a family of fishermen. His father, Arthur Benonisen, was the skipper of a freighter and Arne followed in his father's footsteps.
Eventually, Arne worked his way up to becoming a skipper on his own ship when he was only 18. As a young husband and father of two, he managed to get his own ship and ran a coast freighter.
But Arne’s love of singing and Country Music changed his career from skipper to Country Music singer, and he has never looked back as he became a singer, songwriter, musician, and record producer.
After a couple of albums recorded in Norway, Arne traveled to Nashville, TN, the home of Country Music, to record a string of albums produced by his friend, Leo Jackson, Jim Reeves’ guitar player.
Arne has played the Wembley Country Music Festival in the famous Wembley Arena in London, England. He became an International Country Music artist when he was invited to perform in Nashville for the International Marketplace of Festivals (IMoF) in front of 120,000 people, where he was awarded the Distant Accords Award. He was invited to perform on The Grand Ole Opry and was introduced by Skeeter Davis.
Arne has appeared as himself in the Norwegian TV series, Trygdekontoret and Kvitt eller Dobbelt.
The popular Norwegian Country singer has had hit songs in Norway, the US, Denmark, and many other countries. He charted songs in the US in Billboard and Cashbox and appeared on The Grand Old Opry and American television.
Arne has appeared with Lynn Anderson, Dottie West, and many of Nashville’s top Country singers.
Arne is a fan and great interpreter of the music of Jim Reeves. He finally got to use his rich baritone voice on an album of songs made famous by his musical hero, along with several of Reeves’ Blue Boys band members.
Arne still loves his roots in Lofoten but now lives in Southern Norway, in Sandefjord, where he has a recording studio to record himself and to produce new and established Norwegian talent.
BIO (Norsk)
Arne Benoni ble født på Napp, et lite fiskevær i Flakstad kommune i Vest-Lofoten, som i dag betegnes som The Land of The Midnight Sun.
Arnes familie var fiskere, men hans far, Arthur Benonisen, var skipper på et frakteskip og Arne fulgte i sin fars fotspor.
Etter hvert arbeidet Arne seg opp fra dekksgutt og ble partreder om bord i eget skip som 18 åring. Som ung familieforsørger og far til to døtre, ble han skipper om bord i sitt eget frakteskip.
Men Arne likte å synge, og Country Musikken forandret hans liv og karriere fra skipper til Country sanger. Han har aldri sett seg tilbake etter at han ble sanger, låtskriver, musiker og plateprodusent på heltid.
Etter å ha spilt inn et par album i Norge, reiste Arne til Nashville, TN, The Home of Country Music, og spilte inn en rekke album produsert av kameraten hans, Leo Jackson, som var Jim Reeves sin gitarist.
Arne har opptrådt flere ganger på Wembley Country Music Festival på den berømte Wembley Arena i London, England. Han ble en internasjonal Country Music artist da han ble invitert til å opptre i Nashville for The International Marketplace of Festivals (IMoF) foran 120,000 mennesker, hvor han ble hedret med The Distant Accords Award. Han ble invitert for å opptre på The Grand Ole Opry og ble introdusert av Skeeter Davis.
Her hjemme har Arne opptrådt i utallige TV og radio show, blant dem TV serier som Trygdekontoret og Kvitt eller Dobbelt.
Som den populære Country sangeren han er, har Arne hatt hit låter i Norge, USA, England, Danmark, og mange andre land. Han har hatt sanger på listene i USA, i Billboard og Cash-Box, og opptredener på The Grand Old Opry og Amerikanske TV stasjoner.
Arne har samarbeidet med Lynn Anderson, Dottie West, og mange i toppskiktet av Nashvilles store Country sangere.
Arne er både fan av, og en fremragende tolker av sangene til Jim Reeves. Til slutt fikk han brukt sin fyldige barytonstemme på et album med sanger gjort berømt av hans musikalske helt, sammen med noen av Reeves’ Blue Boys bandmedlemmer.
Arne elsker fremdeles sine røtter i Lofoten, men bor nå i Sør-Norge, i Sandefjord, hvor han har musikkstudio der han gjør egne innspillinger og produserer nye og etablerte norske talenter.